miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Unattended Installation from USB | VMware ESXi 4.1 Update 1 | Instalación desatendida desde USB

If you are looking for an unattended installation of VMware ESXi 4.1 I strongly suggest you to visit Ivo Bereens blog and follow his post Create a bootable VMware ESXi 5 USB stick in Windows and perform a scripted installation,, this works perfectly fine, also you can use Lili Linux Live USB Creator and make your life easier as this tool do all the work for you, this is tested for ESXi 4.1 update 1, you can get a copy from here. There's also a post regarding ESXi 5 that uses Lili Linux Live USB Creator, also don't forget about PLOP, this tool will help in the testing process as it allows VMware Workstation to boot from USB, Ivo has a post about this (this guy rules, isn't he?).

martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Useful resources: MS Word :Recursos útiles

This blog has really useful things about MS Word, whenever I say: What if...? there is the answer or at least a very good starting point.


El link es para ir a un blog con cosas interesantes y útiles sobre Word, muchas de las veces que yo me pregunto si algo se puede hacer en Word la respuesta la encuentro ahí o, al menos, la orientación necesaria para lograrlo.

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Remote server administration tool / Administración remota de servidores 2008

You can administrate Windows Server 2008 roles and features from a W7 or Vista PC using this snap-in Windows6.1-KB958830, be careful to choose the right architecture (x86 or x64).

Read more:


Es posible administrar las funciones y roles de un servidor Windows Server 2008 desde una PC con W7 o Vista utilizando el siguiente control Windows6.1-KB958830, solamente hay que tener cuidado al escoger la versión ya que depende de la arquitectura de nuestro sistema operativo, el cual puede ser de 32 o 64 bit.

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Features and their GUID’s in SP2010 - Reference | Tabla de SharePoint 2010 Features y su GUID

I was working with an update and migration of a SP 2007 farm to a SP 2010 environment and this GUID's get in the way when not remembering or not documented features needed for a particular site (every site you migrate needs certain Site and Site Collection features). This is a complete reference of those GUID's, some of them are not an exact match but definitely make things easier, all credit to .

Feature GUID's List

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

SET NTP sync in Windows 2003 CLI | Configurar NTP para sincronizar reloj Windows 2003 CLI

Set NTP peers:


w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:”0.pool.ntp.org 1. time-a.nist.gov” /syncfromflags:MANUAL /reliable:YES /update


Restart Time Service:


net stop w32time

net start w32time


Screen Capture:




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viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

Lync-OCS-Exchange Certificates

Don’t forget to verify your certificates expiration date. When a certificate is expired, services from that server will be disabled, you will see errors in the Event Viewer/application pointing to a certificate failure.


Moral of the story… Always begin troubleshooting of this system by verifying certificates (expiration date if systems were operational and general certificate parameters if this is a fresh install)



miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

BOXI Configure SMTP to send emails | Configurar SMTP en BOXI para enviar reportes por correo electrónico

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miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

Install Web Intelligence Rich Client from InfoView

To install Web Intelligence Rich Client

from InfoView


1. Log into InfoView.

2. Click Preferences at the top right of the InfoView screen.

3. Scroll down and click Web Intelligence Preferences.

4. Click Desktop (Web Intelligence Rich Client required) in the Select a

default creation/editing tool section.

5. Click Document List at the top left of the InfoView screen.

6. Click New > Web Intelligence Document or select an existing document

to edit.

Web Intelligence Rich Client is downloaded to your computer and launched

to create the document.

Note: If you install Web Intelligence Rich Client from InfoView, the Web

Intelligence Rich Client online help system is not installed to your local

computer. If you work in Connected mode, Web Intelligence Rich Client

displays help pages stored on the server. If you work in Offline or Standalone

mode, help pages are not available.


Read More:





Spectrum Report Manager/Business Objects no CLASSPATH WIS 01901



Web Intelligence Rich Client not running reports (WIS 10901 Java Class not found in classpath : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)




Search for the jdbc.sbo file in the Business Intelligence Server, open it with a text editor and search for a <CLASSPATH> tag, should be something like this (This one is for MySQL):


<DataBase Active="Yes" Name="MySQL 5">






Copy the mysql-connector*.jar from that path to a folder (C:\TEMP for example) in the PC where the WEBI Rich Client is and set the Environment variable CLASSPATH to folder\mysql-connector*.jar; (for example CLASSPATH= C:\Temp\mysql-connector-java.jar;)


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miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Lync MAPI 2010 COM Server


Lync MAPI ask for credentials

Microsoft Lync 2010 MAPI COM Server (Credentials Screen)


Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit Client in a corporate Network (Windows 2008 R2 Domain Controller)
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (Outlook) Version 14.0.5128.5000 64-bit
Lync 2010 64-bit Client Version 4.0.7577.0


I remember using Credential Manager when Outlook 2007 start asking for credentials, the solution to that was to delete the entry for Outlook in Credential Manager and open Outlook to restore the entry with the right values; I research a little bit more on this and found this post where Allen Song propose the * before domain name, that took care of all Credential issues (Outlook, Communicator MAPI -this was because of a 32 to 64 bit arquitectural difference- and Lync MAPI)


Go to Credential Manager
Add entry:
Log on to: *.domainname (such as *.microsoft.com)
Username: domain\username
Password: password



jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

NETSH IP Config / Usar NETSH para configurar IP

To Show Current IP Config

netsh interface ip show config

To configure IP on Local Area Connection NIC (Default name for Ethernet Connection, mine is actually named LAN so verify this using ipconfig /all)

netsh interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" static 1

Export Configuration

netsh -c interface dump > c:'default1.txt

Change Config based on exported text

netsh -f c:'default1.txt

Mostrar la configuración actual de IP

netsh interface ip show config

Para configurar un IP estático en el ethernet nic por defecto llamado "Conexión de Area Local" (en mi caso se llama LAN, verifica el nombre usando ipconfig /all)

netsh interface ip set address name="Conexión de Area Local" static 1

Exportar a texto la configuración de IP

netsh -c interface dump > c:'default1.txt

Cambiar la confiuración de IP mediante un archivo de texto (importado o creado, mientras contenga la información necesaria)

netsh -f c:'default1.txt

Read more / leer más:

viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

VNC Connection to VMWare VMs / Conectarse a la consola de las VMs en VMWare mediante VNC

Modify VM vmx file

Add this lines to enable VNC connectivity, password is not necessary but recommended; vnc port needed when having more than one VM that we want to access using VNC (default port is 5900, you can start from this port and add one to every other VM, I start from 5901 because I am used to from  XenServer)

RemoteDisplay.vnc.enabled = "TRUE"
RemoteDisplay.vnc.password = "changeme"
RemoteDisplay.vnc.port = "5901"

Modificar el archivo vmx de la máquina virtual a la que deseamos conectarnos utilizando VNC

Agregar las siguientes líneas (recomiendo que sea al final) para habilitar la conexión por VNC, el password no es necesario pero muy recomendable, determinar el puerto es necesario cuando queremos utilizar VNC en más de una VM (el puerto por defecto es 5900, sumarle uno por cada VM, yo comienzo en 5901 por la fuerza de la costumbre en XenServer)

RemoteDisplay.vnc.enabled = "TRUE"
RemoteDisplay.vnc.password = "changeme"
RemoteDisplay.vnc.port = "5901"

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

VMWare Player: CAD Key Combination through RDP / Combinación de teclas CAS usando RDP

Send Ctrl + Alt + Del (CAD) key combination through RDP

In order of succeeded tries:

Ctrl + RAlt + End (This works like CAD key combination on remote host and VMWare takes it -and nag you about it!)

Ctrl + RAlt + Space then Ctrl + Ralt + INS (this stops VMWare Player from processing the next key and this allow you to succesfully send CAI key combination)

Ctrl + Ralt + INS ( This is the one that should be working in must cases but, in my experience, it rarely does when using Remote Desktop Protocol.

Enviar Combinación de teclas Ctrl + Alt + Supr (CAS)

Ordenanados según las veces que me ha funcionado

Ctrl + Alt Der + Fin (Esto permite enviar el equivalente a CAS al host que corre la VM, funciona, aunque VMPlayer te regaña por usar esta combinación y no CAS)

Ctrl + Alt Der + Espacio (Con esto le decimos a VMPlayer que no procese las teclas presionadas a continuación con lo que es posible presionar Ctrl + Alt sin que desenganche y poder enviar la combinación CAS)

Ctrl + Alt Der + Ins (Esta es la combinación de teclas por defecto, algunas veces trabaja cuando usamos RDP)